What Do Customer Service Leaders Need to Know About Customer Queues?

What Do Customer Service Leaders Need to Know About Customer Queues?

Queues are something we would all rather avoid. Yet, as customers, there we are standing in line at the grocery store, in the airport, getting coffee, on the phone with customer support. Queues are everywhere. If you’re responsible for customer service, managing them...
Be Bold in Doing What’s Right

Be Bold in Doing What’s Right

When you think about innovation and growth in the future, what’s your role as a leader? Are there steps you need to take that are a little bit uncomfortable or require some courage?  In this video from my recent LinkedIn Learning course “Contact Center...
Can agents get work done between customer contacts?

Can agents get work done between customer contacts?

I know, I know. It’s busy out there. The demand for agent-assisted service is relentless (wasn’t that AI-driven chatbot going to reduce workload?). Your team is juggling customer workload across channels—phone, chat, social media, et al.—and it feels a bit like...