The Edge of Service® Newsletter, Issue 20: TEDx: Thriving in an Always-On World
The Edge of Service® Newsletter, Issue 20: TEDx: Thriving in an Always-On World Being always connected…is it a blessing or a curse? Are we in charge, or are we slaves to our smartphones? For the past three decades, I’ve been privileged to work with a...Social Customer Care: Listen, Learn, and Dialogue
Let me give you three steps that are absolutely fundamental in delivering services through social channels. Listen Begin by listening. You don’t just walk into a room and start talking, and that’s just as true in the social world. I recall an executive who works with...
Four Keys to Retaining Millennial Customers
It was great to be included in an article Telus International put together on retaining millennial customers. The article focuses on the financial services industry, but the principles apply to many other industries. Lindsey Groepper of BlastMedia and John Rampton of...
Social Customer Care: Listen, Learn, and Dialogue
Let me give you three steps that are absolutely fundamental in delivering services through social channels. Listen Begin by listening. You don’t just walk into a room and start talking, and that’s just as true in the social world. I recall an executive who works with...