Cisco recently produced a study based on a survey of Gen-Y-ers (respondents included were college students and workers ages 18-30 years old). Some of the interesting (if rather unsurprising) statistics include:
- 9 out of 10 make checking their smartphones part of their morning routine (along with breakfast and brushing teeth).
- 60% check their smartphones compulsively.
- Two thirds spend the same amount of time or more with family and friends online as they do in person.
Yes, networks, communities and connections will be more relevant and valuable than ever. (See 2012 Cisco Connected World Technology Report). Gen-Y, some 80 million strong in the U.S., is the most tech-savvy and diverse generation yet.
And what comes after Gen Y? “The iGen,” says Jason Dorsey, who studies generational attributes. “They are going to rock the workplace and the marketplace—and all while using their phones for everything but talking.”
Jason pegs iGen as those born after 1995. So … the oldest among them are already entering college and the workforce. And some execs wonder why service delivery is changing so rapidly…