Quality Standards for Customer Service: Common Misconceptions
I’ve found there are several common misconceptions that can hamper the development and use of quality standards. One common misconception is that quality standards are overly rigid and scripted. Another common misconception is that quality standards for customer...
Build Customer Insight into Your Vision
A clear vision, well communicated and continually reinforced by you, is essential to engaging your employees, aligning objectives, and driving action. I have colleagues who are huge fans of eyewear retailer Warby Parker. Warby Parker is renowned for exceptional...
Effective Customer Service Strategies: 4 Key Factors
As 2024 comes to a close, take some time to reflect on your customer service strategic direction. Is there a secret to ensuring that your customer service strategy is effective? Are there common denominators among organizations getting the best results? I’ve...
A New Wave of Work Is Coming to Contact Centers
Epiphanies can come from the most unexpected sources. My wife Kirsten and I recently spent some time in the London area. It was to be a quick business trip, but seeing that it fell on my birthday, we decided we’d add some personal days—with the goal of trying a new...